Journal for Change and Other Things

To log my thoughts and experiences through one of the biggest splits in the road so far.

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Location: Leon, Nicaragua

Documenting potentially worthwhile experiences on the web. Just because.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

The people here....

Last night we all sat around by the pool until 2am chatting and stuff. I really can't believe that it's going to be like this all the time, and I'm really excited about it, ha! What? Eighty friends? Haha - okay not quite, but it really is an interesting atmosphere for social growth, and I really do mean that (not using "social growth" as a phrase for "partying.") I spoke Spanish half of the evening with a violinist from Argentina, with a difficult accent to understand, though. When I walked up he was having a conversation with someone from Uruguay, who had crystal clear spanish, it was interesting.

I've baked two batches of cookies and am sharing - I love baking, and I love sharing the cookies, that's basically why I bake. And a girl named Sun-Ho from Korea hung out with me. She was bored and going to watch TV in the lounge downstairs and I was putting my laundry in and I realized this was my opportunity to not be shy and to invite her up while I baked cookies and I knew I liked her already, and she was great company. That was a lot of "ands" in one sentence... She's a violinist. Katie is another violinst I immediately like. Dwight is the oboist, he's a soft spoken fellow but very friendly, it's his third year. Dennis is the Tuba player, and he is also very friendly. He's not a joker necessarily, but his comfortableness, social ease, and good attitude make him the one everyone's happy to see walk in the door, or chilling out on the couch in the lobby of the practice rooms at the hall, and the one to tell a funny hurricane evacuation story at the meeting - third year, know what kind of person I mean? Maybe not, don't want to write a paragraph about each person so I'll leave it at that.

Clyde works in the same space as me, though he's moving into the office directly below the audio booth, and he's definitely a character. He's someone you play the mean game with, giving each other a hard time and making up funny scenarios that you both laugh at because it's strange, like jointly developing a story about him sleeping there at night, feet sticking out from under the table with all the equipment on it so that if you're here and he's sleeping and someone walks in the code word to wake up is "Hey Clyde, did you find that cable yet??"

Dean and Admiral are the stage crew members, so Dean actually does some sound, which is good because quite often you need sound running simultaneously from the mixing board in the theater as well as from the recording booth up above. Dean is from Jamaica - Admiral has more of an accent but I think it's the same one. I think Orma at the front desk is also Jamaica. They say their "TH's" hard like a "T." They are all reaaally friendly.

I met Anne yesterday, the previous audio girl, and she is absolutely a sweetheart and very helpful. It is so fun watching a tiny, cute and cozy girl with one of the smallest little voices you've ever heard schooling me about cable and routing and recording software, etc. It's neat.

Okay it's morning and I JUST got up so I'm going to either a) take a shower, b) eat breakfast (coffee making optional), or c) ... - no just a or b. My writing sounds a lot like the book I'm reading - hey hey-- (!!!) -- that reminds me, I have TIME to read books here in the evening! I'm reading books and listening to NPR in the mornings and being all information-gathering like that. I like these intelligent activities I never had the time for. It's not that I'm not working, I just have an open-enough schedule - well, this week I've been going to work at 10am and coming home around 4 or 5.

Okay - a long blog entry! Perhaps my next one will be about what I'm doing at work. There's a large radio broadcast we're going to have to pull off and the radio station wants to know if we have the audio capabilities to mix in soundbites and we have no idea why their engineer isn't doing it because it's makes it literally 10 times more complicated for me to do it - so, we're working on that.

Okay - take care everyone!


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