Journal for Change and Other Things

To log my thoughts and experiences through one of the biggest splits in the road so far.

My Photo
Location: Leon, Nicaragua

Documenting potentially worthwhile experiences on the web. Just because.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Aspen Mountain!

This is the mountain on which you can take the Gondola down for free if you hike up, which is a saving grace because it would SUCK to hike down. One of these pictures is from after Bill threw a frisbee golf disc because there's a frisbee golf course up there, he's taking a break walking up a really steep part of the mountain from where the tee was. There is also one in a nearby town called Snowmass where I have indeed gone to play with Bill before. If I haven't mentioned it already, Bill is a good friend from college. The last two photos are of the mountain range you can see from the top. I love this hike. Hiking is getting easier and easier as I get acclimated...


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