Journal for Change and Other Things

To log my thoughts and experiences through one of the biggest splits in the road so far.

My Photo
Location: Leon, Nicaragua

Documenting potentially worthwhile experiences on the web. Just because.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Welcome to the tour of Halloween on South Beach!

Started off Halloween right - with pumpkin guts all over the floor!

My pumpkin -- it has a handlebar mustache!

Clyde used a pattern that came with the carving utensils and it came out pretty cool.

Then we walked along Lincoln Road for a while - which is THE place to strut your stuff on Halloween.

Welcome to South Beach!!!

Too bad I didn't get a better shot of this guy! It IS a guy :)

The backside of Adam and Eve! They have fig leafs to prove their modesty in front - the womans hair covers the important stuff. They're being interviewed by a TV program. Ha!

This one was neat too...

Thought this one was pretty cool!

Hahaaaa! A drummin' werewolf!!

In Aspen everyone had big poodles. On South Beach they all have mini dogs - chihuahuas, those mini greyhound things, dogs like this. And they love them dearly, oh my. The women really do carry them around with them like Paris Hilton.

Headed at last to the Duece Bar for a drink and a game of pool. This is Clyde aiming for a shot - we were on a team against a solo friendly dive bar regular. Hey, do you see the neon woman from Miami Vice in the background? That's the actual sign!

And little ole me making my shot with the girliest left hand position ever!! Guess it doesn't matter because we WON anyway! A good way to finish off the night.