Journal for Change and Other Things

To log my thoughts and experiences through one of the biggest splits in the road so far.

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Location: Leon, Nicaragua

Documenting potentially worthwhile experiences on the web. Just because.

Monday, July 11, 2011

A lighter note

Feeling much better now! I went and looked at a place to rent but it was $170/month, haha! Dollars! But it was basically like a hotel, not like an apartment to rent out a room. So forget that. But I guess one of the people on the board of directors lives in a place with other "Nicas" (locals) and will find out tomorrow if there is a room. That would be really wonderful, because then I could practice a lot of Spanish. I would love that.

Also, taking another tour of the city while walking to the $170 apartment with Andrew, the director, was great because he took me to a market (the second I've been to) and I got to grab some vegetables (I can't eat anymore fried stuff, buttered stuff, or rice and beans ... at least until I eat vegetables). So walking back from the market munching on passionfruit and sweet small bananas and grabbing some corn from the street that is well-charred and delicious ... and it's been raining and the sky has been dark with thunder and lightning ... I love it. So ... already feeling so much better...

Also, the reports from the people here at Quetzaltrekkers has been that nobody has really experienced any theft or violence here in Leon. I still hear that Guatemala is very, very dangerous. I have decided I will never go there. Have heard some nasty stuff ... but again, on the contrary, I have heard nothing but good things about Nicaragua, especially Leon. I still won't be walking around after dark by myself, no worries, but still ... good to know. And it feels safe.

Also, tomorrow I will not be doing an overnight hike, but rather just tagging along for volcano boarding ... a 45 minute hike up a cinder cone and a 45 second ride on a board back down, haha. Perhaps a good little intro to this whole hike leading deal.

Okay, again, time to give back the computer that someone so generously let me use! I'm around a great group of people, that's for sure.


Blogger serenden said...

Hooray for fresh fruit and veggies!! It's great to hear about your days - keep posting. Love you!

8:51 AM  

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