Journal for Change and Other Things

To log my thoughts and experiences through one of the biggest splits in the road so far.

My Photo
Location: Leon, Nicaragua

Documenting potentially worthwhile experiences on the web. Just because.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Stuff that's up lately

Well folks, things are things around here but I suppose I have a few bits of new information. I got a job at an ice cream parlor (with unfortunately really irresistible ice cream) to save up for the summer. It's actually not so bad at all. I hated it at first when I was training because I couldn't believe how I was being hounded (not in a bad way really, just in a manager-or-an-ice-cream-store way) about the size of ice cream scoops and other ice cream store procedures. It's probably the last thing I find important in my life. But, after that, I am scheduled to work night from 8pm to midnight and I work alone. I feel I do a good job and just keeping the place clean and the ice cream stocked and helping customers makes the 4 hours go by very very quickly. I also make around $20 a night in tips, and usually more. I've already saved, in working there 3 weeks $350 that's going to all go to travel etc. this summer. Only bad part of the job is that I have seemed to hyperextend my pinky in a pretty bad way and it's been really stiff and sore for a week and a half. It doesn't go away enough between shifts for it to get better so I'm going to need to start wearing a brace or see how my left hand is at scooping.

I also bought new glasses. I got a new presription that seems much better and I am in love with my glasses. I got a good deal because I work on Lincoln Rd and the eye place was also on Lincoln Rd. Us Lincoln Rd. people take care of each other, I guess. Most place on Lincoln Rd give you a discount if you work there too. So I got designer frames and antireflective lenses for $175. Doctor's bill was $55 so it wasn't cheap but it wasn't bad at all for new glasses.

For the summer I decided on Aspen. I just think I'll have more recording experience there as I am hoping to be a senior engineer. I'd love to go to Banff, Canada next summer, but it just wasn't the right thing for this summer.

Okay - back to napping on a Saturday afternoon! Enjoy the photos!

Me in my new glasses, aren't they cute? I think they're a better presription than last time, I can see well in them. It's funny, the doctor said I still have perfect vision, but I guess the left eye just focuses differently than the other and it's probably always been that way but my eye muscles no longer have to tolerance to correct it on their own. Hence really cute glasses!

Me at my new job at the ice cream place, "The Frieze." Photo's a little dark, oops. Oh well, you can click on it and you'll see a bigger version.

Clyde posing for a shot, ah thank heaven's my boyfriend has a bit of dork in him.

An 'engagement picture' I took of my two friends on the beach nearby. They're getting married in Houston this summer and I'm going to go - they are both one of my best friends and I couldn't stand to miss it. So yup, that's Jeremy and Melissa.

A picture of Melissa and I being all beach-style sassy -

And a dorky, but c'mon, CUTE picture!